June 12 2023
Scheduled Success
Written by Hannah Sigel IAABC-ADT, Accredited Dog Trainer
Attention seeking & needing needs met right when I finally sit down..Can you relate?
Sometimes I’ll plan out a jam packed morning of training, toys, snuffling, chewing, licking then my dog will sleep for 6-hrs and suddenly wake up a complete energized guy right when I least expect it.
Keeping to a schedule & routine can help avoid unwanted behaviors and frustrations.
Schedule times that work in to your day-to-day, to wake your dog up and get in their potty breaks, mental & physical exercise at a time that works for you. This sets both you and your dog up for success.
Yes, this means sometimes I am interrupting my dogs sleeps, but in doing so and following a routine it’ll promote overall healthier sleep and habits for him.
The above video highlights the importance of scheduling success! In the video, Potato (11 month old adolescent) is post 6-hr nap after training, snuffling, play date & licking. I hadn’t planned and was trying to have a nice little chat with some folks at my table...
Routines & Schedules help get ahead of unwanted behaviors and promote proactivity.
Don’t forget dogs need a lot more sleep than us humans! The average dog needs 12-15hrs/day, puppies need 18-20hrs/day, adolescents need 16-18hrs/day (these numbers include over night sleep).
**this is a generalization and may not be recommended for you & your dog’s age and/or behavioral needs**
Dog Training Services & Evaluations Available in the Greater Baltimore Area
617 - 798 - 0025 | BaltimoreK9Tutors@gmail.com
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