July 06, 2023

Puppy Dreams (Should I be alarmed?)

Written by Hannah Sigel IAABC-ADT, Accredited Dog Trainer

I’ve had this video sitting in my Instagram reel drafts for a while but figured it was time for it to be posted after a good friend of mine, @itsfinleysworld_ was having some puppy dreams that alarmed his humans.

Similar to us dogs too experience REM. This can come with rapid eye movement under the eyelids, running in place, thrashing, whimpering, whining, boofing, heavier breathing and it’s nothing to worry about.

Potato is certainly the MOST active dreaming dog I’ve lived with before. He’s even had dreams where he’s gotten pilo-erections or was full on growling (which he’s yet to do while awake 😂).

I’m no sleep expert but I wanted to post something to normalize what sleep can look like cause I get it can look scary.

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