June 19 2023

Get Yourself A Dog Fight Tool Kit

Written by Hannah Sigel IAABC-ADT, Accredited Dog Trainer

I know instinct kicks in and adrenaline can be high during a fight but PLEASE don’t get between dogs who are fighting.

✨Don’t grab their collars ✨ ✨ Don’t scream, hit or kick✨

Additionally do not try to pull a dog off of another dog who is grabbing and holding/biting onto another dog—this can lead to more damage.

So what do you do? Before you find yourself in this situation without the skills & tools, please reach out to a professional to learn about safer ways to break up a dog fight as well as defensive handling skills.

There are some excellent resources:

Webinar from @michaelshikashio & Trish McMillan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5aKUrPLkco

Blog from K9 of Mine: https://www.k9ofmine.com/how-to-break-up-dog-fight/

If you often are in environments that have off leash dogs or if you live in a multi-dog household—I recommend carrying some safety tools, those can vary largely from items like an umbrella with a face, a slip lead, or spray shield and air horns.

Want to learn more? Schedule a FREE discovery call or text "Fight Club" to 617-798-0025

#dogfight #redirectbite #dogaggression #defensivehandlingskills #fightingdogs #Staysafe #dogbite #Dogbiteprevention #dogpark #dogparents #offleashdogs #dogplay

Dog Training Services & Evaluations Available in the Greater Baltimore Area

617 - 798 - 0025 | BaltimoreK9Tutors@gmail.com 

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